Saturday, January 29, 2011

Our Retention Pond is getting a Face Lift-Big Time

We have been petitioning our Rec. center to do something with our pond.
 It has not had any work done on it since the 80's.
 Finely 2 weeks ago they moved in the heavy equipment and began work.
 First emptying the water and then removing the MUD.
The first shots are what it looked like before.  The next is the big machine
 removing the MUD.  That took days. Then the grading.
 The final result is yet to come.

MUD MUD and More MUD


Steve said...

when the gat all the mud out, get your detector and go over the bottom

fjwenker said...

they have dug down way past the bottom.

fjwenker said...

they have dug down way past the bottom.